Yesterday, through one of my new writing friends, I heard about Susanna Leonard Hill’s 1st Annual Valentiny Writing Contest. The rules were pretty simple, come up with a short story 214 words or less (2/14, get it?) that includes a grumpy character. Always up for a challenge, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to enter. While I managed to hit the exact word count, I’ll admit it was a little tricky to write a complete story in so few words, but here’s my finished product:

Henry’s Valentines – 214 Words

Henry kicked rocks and muttered under his breath, “Who needs a Valentine anyway? Not me!” he declared as he trudged home from school.

Besides, Valentines were nice and friendly and Henry…he wasn’t always the nicest kid in third grade.

“Come on Slowpoke,” he sometimes laughed when Oscar was the last to finish a race.

“Ouch!” he made Clara cry when he tugged her ponytail.

He even made fun of Sam yelling, “Hey four-eyes!” when Sam showed up to school with new glasses.

“Kids like me don’t get Valentines,” Henry grumped as he stomped into the house and threw his books on the counter. “I don’t know how to be a good friend,” he confessed; but then he had an idea…

Henry’s brows furrowed as he cut, glued, glittered, and colored. His lips pursed as he traced, laced, painted, and sketched. “Perfect!” he said at last.

The next morning, Henry clutched a paper bag close to his chest. Mrs. Mitchell’s eyes widened and she smiled as she peered into the bag Henry placed on her desk.

“Looks like everyone has been hard at work,” she said handing out the Valentines.

“Wow!” remarked Oscar.

“Pretty!” exclaimed Clara.

“Cool!” cried Sam.

The entire class loved Henry’s Valentines…but he was too busy admiring his own pile to notice.
Are you up for the challenge, too?  If so, be sure to enter today – the deadline for entry is Friday, February 12th. Good luck!